School choice and charter school expansion are hot button issues across the United States, and Missouri is no exception. This has already been proven to be an active 2021 Missouri Legislative session, and there are several controversial bills that have been filed. Some are working their way through the halls of our Capitol quickly. Here […]
We Already Have School Choice in Missouri
In a recent commentary, we learned that 2021 may be the year when Missouri parents will finally be able to make sure their students receive a quality education. The sales pitch from conservative think tanks, lobbyists, and politicians? That parents won’t have to send their children to antiquated, low performing public schools. Those groups are […]
2021 Missouri Legislative Education Committees
Education is an issue that affects us all, regardless whether we are parents, students, employers, or teachers. Most of the time, when we think of Education, we think of our local public P-12 schools, or perhaps a local university. While that’s certainly accurate, it’s actually our elected officials in Jefferson City who can often make […]
Poverty & Education in the Show-Me State
There’s an undeniable connection between poverty & education. We know that in most instances, the more education a person has the more money they make over their lifetime. As a result, their family’s standard of living is higher. They can afford to live in safer neighborhoods. They tend to own their homes rather than rent. […]
So Long to the Five-Day School Week
A traditional five-day school week probably just became a thing of the past for most Missouri youngsters, thanks for budget cuts announced by Governor Mike Parson. Because of the COVID-19 crisis, Parson expects at least $500 million in state revenue shortfall. Missouri will be receiving federal stimulus money in the near future–some say as much […]
Parson Made the Right Call to Close Schools
Today, Missouri Governor Mike Parson announced his decision to keep all K-12 public and charter schools closed for the rest of the 2019-20 school year. It was the right call. Parson received recommendations from school district superintendents from across the state as well as from Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) staff. This […]
EO 20-04: Nuclear Option Wasn’t Necessary
In a press release on March 18, Missouri Governor Mike Parson invoked emergency powers to authorize executive agencies to waive or suspend certain regulations and statutes that interfere with Missouri’s response to the spread of COVID-19. Executive Order 20-04 (EO 20-04) grants wide latitude to all state departments but primarily it does three things: […]
Executive Leadership is Lacking in Missouri
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) announced today that currently, 538 public schools have shut their doors due to COVID-19 concerns. There are a total of 555 in the state. Unfortunately, each district superintendent, in consultation with their building principals and school board members, had to make this decision on their own. […]
Four-Day Week Schools: The Bottom Line
It’s quite possible to see 100 out of the 518 school districts in Missouri shortening their school weeks to save money and to recruit and retain teachers. A question we have to ask is, “Would those districts be taking such drastic measures if the state legislature fully funded them each year?”
Four-Day Week School Districts: A Band Aid Approach
It’s time state lawmakers got serious about making P-12 public education a priority in the Show-Me State.
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