Year: 2021


Broadband Connectivity for All Missourians

More than 147,000 Missouri households (or about 400,000 residents) don’t have access to high-speed internet. That’s according to Gov. Mike Parson’s office, citing data from the Federal Communications Commission. And, it should come as no surprise that most of those residents live in rural parts of the state.  Poverty, Education, and Broadband In Poverty & […]


CAFOs in Missouri: We Need to Be Careful.

(May 21, 2021) Updated Information: Since this piece was first published on March 18, the Missouri Clean Water Commission ruled this week in favor of large for-profit farming corporations and against Missourians whose lives are impacted by contaminated groundwater water due to runoff and seepage. According to reporting from Missouri independent, those voting in favor […]


Do Black Lives Really Matter in Missouri?

Note: This story was updated on April 29, 2021 upon public release of the additional settlement offer. Think something like the George Floyd murder couldn’t happen in Missouri? It already did–three years before Floyd’s 2020 death in Minneapolis.  In early May 2017, 28-year-old Tory Sanders drew his last breath while in police custody in the […]


Priorities Revealed: Current Gun Legislation in Missouri

You can tell what a person’s priorities are by how they spend their time and money. In this case our state lawmakers have declared that one of their top priorities is guns, guns, and more guns. How are they getting their point across? Through a double barrel load of gun legislation in the current session. There […]


Missouri Budget Affects Us All

The Missouri Budget Legislative Committee serves as the basic policy document for the state. It’s what drives all expenditures, and its decisions affect every Missourian. Roads, bridges, Medicaid expansion, WIC, P-12 schools, higher education, public libraries, law enforcement, unemployment benefits, state parks–you name it.    Major Missouri Budget Actions Already in the Pipeline Twenty-two Republicans […]


Racial Justice: Missourians Can Make a Difference

Whether we realize it or not, racial justice is something that touches the lives of all Missourians. We all deserve to be treated fairly without bias, disrespect, or discrimination.    Our nation has a storied past when it comes to racial equity. Likewise, the Show-Me State has aspects of its history that many would just […]

Racism Women

Lucile Bluford: Trailblazer, Journalist, Activist

As she was growing up, Lucile Bluford couldn’t have imagined that she would become a highly influential journalist, a political activist, a key player in racial equality, and a role model for women–and yet she did. Spanning a life of 92 years, this amazing woman demonstrated limitless determination, tenacity, courage, and grit.    Destined to […]


Character Matters in Missouri Politics

This shouldn’t even need to be said, but character matters in Missouri politics. Most in the Show-Me State have long touted their support for traditional family values, faith, patriotism, law and order, and guns.    Just before every election, we can count on an endless supply of TV ads, radio spots, and flyers in our […]


Missouri School Choice & Charter School Bills to Watch

School choice and charter school expansion are hot button issues across the United States, and Missouri is no exception. This has already been proven to be an active 2021 Missouri Legislative session, and there are several controversial bills that have been filed. Some are working their way through the halls of our Capitol quickly. Here […]


We Already Have School Choice in Missouri

In a recent commentary, we learned that 2021 may be the year when Missouri parents will finally be able to make sure their students receive a quality education. The sales pitch from conservative think tanks, lobbyists, and politicians? That parents won’t have to send their children to antiquated, low performing public schools. Those groups are […]

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